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13 Février 2024, 07:05am

Publié par kodamian

From Split in Croatia, I found a flight to go to the Baltic Countries, to Vilnius in Lithuania. I first visited this country, before travelling by bus to Latvia and then to Estonia.

Back from Estonia, I stopped again in Latvia and Lithuania to visit more cities.

I finished my journey in those Baltic Countries in the former capital city of Lithuania , Kaunas.

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12 Février 2024, 12:13pm

Publié par kodamian

After visiting Slovenia, I continued my trip in ex-yougoslavia by entering Croatia, which became country of European Union from 1st of July 2013. In 2023, Euro is official currency of Croatia.

I arrived first in the capital city of Croatia, Zagreb, and I was really astonished by the Austro-Hungarian style of this capital city. I went to couple of museum and really enjoyed this city with its larges parks.

Then I went to see the famous waterfalls and lakes in Plitvice , and then went to the coast until Split, which is one of the most beautiful city on the Adriatic Sea. 


Croatia or Republic of Croatia is located between Central Europe and southeast Europe. 

Croatia shares border with Slovenia, Hungary, Serbia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Montenegro and Italy.

Capital city is Zagreb.

Around 57 000 square kilometers for Croatia.

Around 3,9 Million people.

( information from wikipedia)

Croatia is modern country today, with a good economy. Tourism is develop inland but mainly on the coast of Adriatic Sea.

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12 Février 2024, 11:51am

Publié par kodamian

I travelled from France to Slovenia by bus , using FLIXBUS for the first time.

It is in PARIS BERCY that you find the bus terminal for Flixbus.

The trip was Paris - Strasbourg - Munich (Germany) - Salzburg (Austria) - Ljubiana (Slovenia).

It took about 16 hours to reach Ljubiana , capitale city of Slovenia.

Slovenia belonged before to Yugoslavia, but it is now an independant state, with a high level of life. It is very close to Switzerland, Austria, Italy and Croatia.

I visited first the capital city and then I went to visit the village of Bled where you find very large underground caves.

Then I went close to the border with Italy , on the Adriatic Sea.

You have this album with all the photos of this trip.

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Mon avis personnel sur l'attaque du Hamas

11 Février 2024, 14:20pm

Publié par kodamian

Je ne sais pas ce qui est passé par la tete des dirigeants du Hamas de lancer cette attaque contre Israel .

Que croyaient-ils ?

Qu'israel n'allait pas réagir ?

Il faut être mentalement malade pour avoir lancé cette attaque qui couta la vie à plus de 1100 citoyens israéliens.

Alors aujourd'hui, Tsahal, l'armée israélienne, ira jusqu'au bout et éradiquera une fois pour toute cette menace permanente à sa frontière sud.

Mais il faut bien comprendre une chose : ce n'est pas seulement les israéliens qui seront débarrassés du Hamas, mais c'est une grande partie de la population palestinienne de gaza , qui depuis 2006 et l'arrivée du groupe terroriste au pouvoir, a pu constater qu'ils n'avaient pas fait le bon choix en mettant au pouvoir ce groupe. Evidemment, avec la corruption de l'autorité palestinienne, ils pensaient qu'ils y gagneraient au change.

Au final, après 18 ans, le bilan va être le suivant : destruction quasi-complète de gaza.

Le futur : je reste convaincu que les pays du golfe comme les émirats arabes unis et l'Arabie saoudite vont pourvoir à la reconstruction de l'enclave palestinienne, ce qui d'une part donnera du boulot aux gazaouis, et d'autre part permettra d'asseoir une autre autorité plus démocratique sur le territoire.

Par ailleurs, les pays comme l'Égypte et la Jordanie sont très contents de ce que Tsahal fait , le sale boulot pourrait-on dire, car le Hamas qui est une émanation des frères musulmans est leur ennemi, et bien sûr, derrière tout cela, le pouvoir à Téhéran.

Prions seulement pour que tout se passe le plus vite possible , à la fois pour les otages et pour la population civile gazaouie.

ps : on entend les chiffres donnés par " le ministère de la santé du Hamas " ... Comment croire à ces chiffres ?

Mais soit, ils annoncent 28000 morts ...
Tsahal dit qu'il y a parmi eux au moins 10 à 15 milles combattants du Hamas qui ont perdu la vie.

Il reste actuellement apparemment selon Tsahal 4 brigades du Hamas dans l'extrême sud du territoire, à Rafah, le long de la frontière égyptienne.





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11 Février 2024, 14:03pm

Publié par kodamian

I left by bus Sarajevo in bosnia to join Serbia. I crossed what is called republika serbska, recognized by Serbia only.

The landscape was hilly to reach the border and then more flat. I arrived early evening in the city where I walked for couple of hours before going to the airport where I had an early flight to Beauvais, France.

Those couple of hours enabled me to catch the atmosphere of the city, with a Austrian cachet in the buildings, with trams and nice avenues.

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Bosnia-Herzegovina 2023 : Sarajevo

11 Février 2024, 13:51pm

Publié par kodamian

I left Montenegro to reach Bosnia-Herzegovina by bus, and due to a lack of time, I decided to go straight to Sarajevo, the most famous place of Bosnia .

The city was during the war with Serbia a place where fights were continuous for years.

Sarajevo welcomed Winter Olympic Games before.

The city has a beautiful " cachet " and both architecture and food are great.


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am israel hai

11 Février 2024, 12:31pm

Publié par kodamian

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11 Février 2024, 10:51am

Publié par kodamian

I travelled in Montenegro after leaving Albania, and I went to mountainous area as well as to Kotor.

There are plenty of things to do in Montenegro, which is located in south Europe, along Adriatic Sea. But you have mountains as well where you can enjoy trekking.

I stopped first in Ulcinj, not far away to the border with Albania. This is a leisure city with historical backgrounds on the Adriatic Sea.

I stayed couple of nights there before going to Kotor which is a fabulous place close to the border of Croatia, with a lot of tourists coming by cruise boats. There is a famous castle and if you walk up the mountains, you will have a stunning view of the fjord.

Then I went to the mountains of Montenegro to reach almost the highest peak , as you will see on the album.

Montenegro belonged to Yugoslavia before becoming an independent state.

Capital city is Podgorica .



map of Montenegro

map of Montenegro

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Decathlon outdoor app.

11 Février 2024, 10:50am

Publié par kodamian

J'ai découvert aujourd'hui cette application, qui permet de faire plein de balades à pieds ou en vélo , en téléchargeant la carte aussi du trajet que l'on veut faire.

c'est valable sur pc et mc.

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Albania 2023

11 Février 2024, 09:23am

Publié par kodamian

After North Macedonia, I travelled by bus to a country I dreamt to go for many many years : ALBANIA.
When I was young , it was impossible to believe you will travel freely one day in Albania. This country was the most closed country around the world with a dictator who ruled the country for many years without contact with most of the other countries of the planet.

Therefore, I was very enthusiastic to go there, and I arrived directly in the capital city of Albania, Tirana.

Today, the country is open and you have more and more tourists from all around the globe who are coming to visit Albania.

I went first to visit the city center with the historical museum and that something you have to visit definitely. I spent almost 3 hours there, because I love history.

Then, I went downtown just walking randomly in the city center, discovering the atmosphere of the capital of Albania.

You meet a lot of young people, enjoying life and freedom.

I decided the following day to catch the metro to go to the outskirt of the city where you have a mountain from which you have a nice point of view. I did half of the trek because there were nobody there, and then I went to visit the Bunker Museum. Hundred of thousands of bunkers were built by the dictator to prevent invasion and to prevent locals to leave the country. In this main Bunker, you can see rooms for president, ministers, .... 

After that, I went back by bus downtown and appreciate evening in the city.

I left Tirana to reach Durres on the coast, but to be honest, it is not the most beautiful beach you can see in Albania. Durres was famous during History of the country, sort of limit between Western Europe and Ottoman Empire.

Then I travelled to Shroder city, at the border with Montenegro, and this is a marvelous city to visit, with its castle, its market and that's where I caught the bus to Thet , to make one part of the Peakofthebalkan trek ( I wrote an article on it ).

The castle is couple of kms away from downtown so you can walk and then you have to climb the hill to reach the medieval castle. The view on the lake is gorgeous.

Back in the city, I walked around and felt the atmosphere of happiness during this summer time. I found out where to catch the bus the following morning to Thet.

Thet is the " place " , in the mountains on north west of Albania, where you can begin for 10 to 12 days the trek called " Peaks of the Balkans " . You need online to feel a document , because you are going to cross border to enter Kosovo as well as Montenegro. It takes a week to receive this " permit ".

I didn't have it, so I walked the first day of the trek to the border of Montenegro and back. Second day, I went to see fabulous waterfalls, and the last two days , I walked the other direction to Valneva, where I slept one night, and back.

I am sure I will walk once the entire trek, because it is " a must " if you like nature.

I went back to Shkoder from where I left Albania to Montenegro.

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