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Motorway 75 from finland to greece

11 Février 2024, 08:27am

Publié par kodamian

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North Macedonia trip in 2023

10 Février 2024, 19:29pm

Publié par kodamian

In 2023, I decided to travel around Europe, a thing I didn't do for almost 30 years. I travelled thru many European countries , and I wanted absolutely to go to the balkans area.

Therefore, after visiting couple of days Bulgaria, my direction was North Macedonia.

Some datas about North Macedonia :

capitale : skopje

area : 25.700 km2

Population : 1,8 million 

Independance : 08 September 1991

Currency : denar

Religion : christian orthodox and muslim

North Macedonia is located in southern Europe in balkans area , and has border with  Greece, Bulgaria, Serbia, Kosovo and Albania.

There are a lot of mountains with peaks more than 2000 meters high. Highest mount is Mount Korab, 2764 meters high.

Lake Ohrid in Macedonia is the oldest European lake.


Let's go back to my trip ...

I left Sofia in Bulgaria after a week in the country, mainly in Sofia, Plovdiv and in Riga Monastery , to a new destination, Ohrid in North Macedonia. It was a long trip thru the capital city of the country, Skopje, where I didn't stop because most of the tourists I met in Bulgaria advised me to reach directly the beautiful city of Ohrid with its marvelous lake. Therefore, I followed their advise.

Ohrid is one of the oldest city in Europe and was occupied thousands of years BC. It is interesting to visit the historical museum to understand how old is the city. The lake beside the city is one of the deepest lake in the world

Ohrid is very close to the border of Albania, and therefore, I rent a bicycle and did the trip to the border and back.

The album will provide you photos of the area from the journey to reach Ohrid from Sofia until the last day to go to Albania.

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Un des plus beaux treks de 2023

10 Février 2024, 18:57pm

Publié par kodamian

Trek peaks of the balkans thru Albania, Kosovo and Montenegro

Trek peaks of the balkans thru Albania, Kosovo and Montenegro

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Cathédral around the world

10 Février 2024, 13:20pm

Publié par kodamian

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Kirghizistan 2019 album

10 Février 2024, 12:51pm

Publié par kodamian

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Central Asia in 2019 : photos albums

10 Février 2024, 12:33pm

Publié par kodamian

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2019 travelling around thé world : nepal

10 Février 2024, 12:27pm

Publié par kodamian

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South america 2023 : Uruguay

10 Février 2024, 12:20pm

Publié par kodamian

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South america 2023 : argentina

10 Février 2024, 12:18pm

Publié par kodamian

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2023 South america : chili

10 Février 2024, 12:17pm

Publié par kodamian

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