le blog kodamian
Ma vie, entre mes voyages et wallis et futuna . backpacker, voyage solo, tour du monde .
I crossed Bulgarian border on the Black Sea to enter Roumania , and continue along the shore until Suliana, on the Danube delta. I went there to Moldavia .
I left Moldavia for Roumania in Iasi , and then travelled in the country until Bucarest.
Vive Tonga et merci
Indigenous Coalition For Israel
Dr Ate Moala spoke on Tongan Radio about the opening of the Indigenous Embassy Jerusalem. She described the trip to the Gaza border to Sderot; Kibbutz Mefalsim and the site of the Hamas atrocities ...
Israel vs arab league
Portugal 2023
The last country I visited in 2023 was Portugal, where I have never been before.
I arrived from Malta by plane via Marseille in Porto.
I visited the city and then went along the Douro river to see wine orchards et wineries.
I went then to Lisbonne, capitale city of Portugal and I stayed couple of days to visit the city.
Then I went to Algarve in Albufeira.
After spending couple of days in this resort city, I went back to lisbonne and decided to go north , to Evora , Coimbra , Braga ....before going back to Lisbonne to catch my plane to France.
Malta 2023
source wikipedia :
Malte (en maltais : Malta ; en anglais : Malta), en forme longue la république de Malte(en maltais : Repubblika ta' Malta ; en anglais : Republic of Malta), est un État insulaired'Europe du Sud situé au milieu de la Méditerranée, à 93 kilomètres au sud de la Sicile. Il est constitué d'un archipel de huit îles, dont quatre sont habitées, et de plusieurs îlots et rochers. La capitale du pays, établie sur l'île de Malte, est La Valette et sa plus grande ville est Birkirkara.
Sa localisation stratégique, entre la Méditerranée occidentale et la Méditerranée orientale, lui a valu les convoitises et l'occupation de nombreuses puissances au cours des âges. Malte a acquis son indépendance du Royaume-Uni le . Elle est membre de l’Union européenne depuis le 8, ainsi que de la zone euro depuis le 9.
Avec ses 316 km2 de superficie, c'est le plus petit État de l'Union européenne. Le pays compte 483 530 habitants en 201810. Sa densité de population est la plus élevée de l'Union européenne, avec 1 421 habitants au km2.
Malte possède une langue nationale, le maltais, et deux langues officielles, le maltais et l'anglais ; l'italien est également compris et pratiqué par de nombreux Maltais.
Please click here if you are not redirected within a few seconds. Images Que faire à Malte: TOP 27 des lieux à visiter absolument | Visiter ... www.voyagetips.com Images may be subject to copyright.
After Cyprus and Rhodes , I wanted to see in 2023 another island in the Mediterranean Sea . Therefore, I went to Malta.
Moldavia 2023
At the end of august 2023, I decided to cross the border between Roumania and Moldavia and I stayed 4 days in this country, visiting the capital city CHISINAU as well as Cricova wine Caves.
It is very interesting to visit this country where people are really young and enjoying life. Nature is present everywhere and it is good time to visit it during summer.
Best song at the moment ...
King David High School, Linksfield's rendition of Eyal Golan - Music's song - Am Yisrael Chai The entire staff and school came together to sing this...
Rhodes island, Greece 2023
After discovering baltic countries, I found a flight to Rhodos ( Greece ) and that was an opportunity to go by the end of august to this historical island as well as a leisure place.
I stayed almost a week and discovered the capital city as well as Lindos, which is an archeological place.
Euro currency is the one you have in Rhodos, because it is a part of Greece. I met a lot of tourists during this summer time because you have both beaches fort leisure as well as historical monuments.
It is easy to travel in the island by bus, and Lindos is the most common destination from the capital city due to its archeological sites.